How Do Toxins Affect Our Body? Six Phases Of Intoxication

There are many studies that openly link environmental chemical substances to the state of our health and wellbeing. And there is a growing quantity of evidence which proposes that whilst singular exposure to a chemical substance might not be injurious (depending on the type of chemical substance, of course), the amassed effect of continuous exposure to a range of chemical substances, even at low levels, could be taking a substantial toll on our health and wellbeing.

  • Are you undergoing bouts of diarrhea alternating with constipation, at times diagnosed as Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
  • Do you get stress headaches or headaches for no reason at all?
  • Do your joints bother you some days and not others?
  • Are you more tired than you think you should be?
  • Are your sinuses very stuffy every morning and/or do you experience a constant post-nasal drip?
  • Do you experience adult-onset allergies?
  • Are you afflicted with skin rashes and irritations that come and go?
  • Do you take pain relievers and over-the-counter medications?
  • Have you been diagnosed with a condition you are told is incurable and that you will just have to learn to live with it?

All of these and more are, to a greater or lesser degree, connected to toxic accumulation in the body. Even if the toxic buildup is not the cause of the problem, it is at least an impairing factor (i.e. it worsens the condition). You could continue to cover up the symptoms with medication, which, of course, would ensure a continual rise in the toxic accumulation, or you could elect to cleanse your body and have a much better chance of living healthier. Often people do not even grasp how unhealthy they have become over the years until they reclaim a more youthful health.

Homeostasis is the capacity of the body to maintain balance. In so doing, there is a flux and flow of chemical reactions within every cell of every living organism. Cells are the construction blocks of each organ and tissue in the body and are the basic operational unit of that organ or tissue. The human body has nearly 250,000 billion cells with around 35,000 chemical reactions taking place per second inside each of these cells. Many of these chemical reactions are involved in the curing and repair.

Toxins disrupt the natural current of homeostasis. The body’s immune system must guard against these toxins. The battle waged by the immune system between toxins and homeostasis is expressed as disease. A sturdy immune system rapidly recognizes the enemy and works to destroy it, hence causing fast and possibly more severe symptoms that quickly abate. A worn out, burdened immune system is sluggish to respond to the toxic invasion, or does not respond at all, and in that way does not cause much, if any, symptomatology.

How many times have you known or heard of someone who was “so healthy” and who “never got sick”, but ate very poorly and maybe even smoked cigarettes, that suddenly died of cancer “with no warning” at a relatively young age? What happened?

Let us examine the body’s normal, physiologically planned methods of preserving homeostasis, the key to health

At the start of the twentieth century, the German medical doctor and homeopath, Dr. Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg (1877-1944) established a more integrated approach to homotoxicology and homeopathy. He recognized that the industrial revolution not only brought with it a more multilayered lifestyle, but that diseases and illnesses too started to present a more complex picture.

Millions Will Discover the TRUTH About Cancer — The Little-Known Best Ways to Prevent and Beat It You Aren’t Being Told About

Homotoxicology is the science of toxins and their removal, and presents the idea that the severity and duration of an illness is based on the body’s toxin load and ability to detoxify. Normally, the human body excretes toxins through feces, urine and sweat. However, when the immune system is challenged, so is the body’s ability to detox.  The object of homotoxicology is to stimulate and regulate the body’s ability to heal thereby eliminating homotoxins and resolving illness.

One of Dr. Reckeweg’s greatest achievements is the formulation of his “Six-Phase Table.” Dr. Reckeweg, for the first time in the history of medicine, clearly formulated and described the pathways along which illnesses proceed or heal. His 6-Phase Table presents a medical classification of the progression and reversal of illnesses a conditions.


Depending upon the severity and quantity of the toxin, the body will pass more rapidly or slowly through these phases. These phases in order are Excretion, Reaction/Inflammation, Deposition, Impregnation, Degeneration, and Neoplasm.

Six phases of intoxication and disease  outlined by Reckeweg in Homotoxicology, Illness, and Healing through Anti-homotoxic Therapy :

Phase 1: Excretion

In the first stage toxins are removed from the body naturally via all excretory systems. If your body fails to get rid of the offender in this initial phase, the disturbance will move deeper into the system and cause an infection or inflammation in specific areas (any condition ending in -itis).

Phase 2: Inflammation

In that stage there is increased congestion and increased excretion of toxins (inflammation, abrasions, etc.). Suppose you suppress such an inflammation (as done routinely in mainstream allopathic medicine), the pathogen may become dormant. As a result, more chronic problems tend to follow at a later time. For now such a pathogen is "hidden away" in the interstitial fluid, the fluid surrounding all your cells.

Phase 3: Deposition

In this stage the accumulation of toxins and their isolation is observed. Excretory systems do not fulfill their functions meaning the body has means to protect from toxins but does not have enough reserves for their removal. We know that this is where your T3 and T4 immune system cells are springing into action. As a result, your lymph, your body's cleaning pathway, goes into overload. Any disease and condition up to this third stage may be reversed quite easily.

Dr. Reckeweg was clear to explain, in good homeopathic tradition, that in order to find lasting healing, an illness needs to be guided back step-by-step in the reverse direction through all its stages. In other words: Once a pathogen has reached your cell fluid, the healing process may have to pass through another stage of inflammation (Phase 2) before the body has the opportunity to get rid of the pathogen (Phase 1). Homeopathy refers to such a possible initial deterioration as a "healing crisis."

The first three stages relate to extracellular intoxication.

Phase 4: Impregnation

If a pathogen is not bound and repelled through any one of the first three stages, it can find its way into your cells. It is getting much harder now to find effective ways to get rid of the invader. Phase 4 is where glucose intolerance, malabsorption issues, autoimmune deficiencies, irritable bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and many other conditions are categorized. All too often, these problems are not properly diagnosed; laboratory tests commonly used by mainstream medicine in this phase are rarely indicative or conclusive.

The fourth phase is called "silent" or "dumb" because the most terrible losses start here and go unnoticed. At this stage, takes place the disruption of cell membranes. Body reserves are depleted; the situation becomes critical.

Phase 5: Degeneration

If the reversal process is unsuccessful at Phase 4, the pathogenic development will proceed to Phase 5, the "Degeneration Phase." It is here where the destruction of intracellular structures begins as well as  damage to the enzyme system, degeneration or degenerative processes, which already affected all of the body organs.

The presence of the invader inside your cells starts interfering with your normal cell functions and processes. As a result, your health noticeably degenerates. Finally, at this stage, your laboratory tests start picking up that you have a problem. The diagnosis of diabetes too falls into this phase.

What happens next? If it has not done so earlier, natural medicine quickly jumps into action and attempts pulling the body back to Phase 4, then Phase 3, and onwards in the process of reversal.

Mainstream medicine, on the other hand, by using drugs, suppresses the disease (in most cases) rather than helping your body step-by-step to get back to its original function. With some luck those prescription medications may stabilize the disease at this level, or might not.

But, remember, changes in your cells keep taking place. Therefore, it is likely that the disease process is starting to affect other organs and functions too (eyes, kidneys, heart). We call these the complications of diabetes. If the disease factor is allowed to linger in this Phase 5, further deterioration is possible. This much depends on the state of your immune system.

Finally there is

Phase 6: Dedifferentiation or Neoplasm

There are two possible outcomes in what Dr. Reckeweg calls Phase 6, the "Dedifferentiation Phase" or the "Neoplasm Phase."

  • First, the damage in your cells continues to the point where the cell function impairs or shuts down one or several organs.
  • Second, the pathogenic cells start taking over, develop a plan of their own, lead to cancer, tumor and (if not detected early enough) metastasize through your body to other structures.

The last three stages are referred to as intracellular intoxication. In such cases uses of conventional physical cleansing methods (cleansing enemas, colonic, etc.) are not effective or even not safely.

As you can see in the first three phases, the cell remains intact and in control and essentially is winning the battle against the toxin. The body's natural ability to heal is not so impaired.

In the last three phases, the toxin has entered the cell causing internal damage and, hence, destruction to the organ or tissue involved. The ability of the body to heal itself is greatly impaired due to terrific interference of the homeostatic chemical reactions within the cell. This is the beginning of organ and tissue deterioration with the result as cancer.

In the first three phases, the outcome is more hopeful. In the last three phases, the outcome is more uncertain.

Let’s get a better picture about how it all happens. A toxin goes into the body. The immune system's initial form of resistance is to excrete, or eject, the toxin. This is possible through perspiration, saliva, urine, feces, menstruation, earwax, sinuses and nose, and the eyes. In fact, frequently when a person has "a cold", they are actually detoxifying and draining out some toxin. That toxin may be a virus or another live organism, or it may be some chemical the person got a dose of unknowingly.

If that toxin gets past this first line of defense due to its strength, either the high quantity of the toxin, or the weakness of that immune system, the body's second line of defense is stirred into action. At this stage,  inflammation sets in. This is when the person is diagnosed with some kind of "itis" which basically means "inflammation of." For instance, tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils, colitis is inflammation of the colon, and dermatitis is inflammation of the derma or the skin, and so on.

If the immune system still cannot handle the toxin, the body will generate storage spaces outside of the cell in which to put the toxin. In this manner, the body does not permit the toxin within the cell where it could do irreversible harm. These spaces also act as holding tanks so the body can deal with the toxic invasion a little at a time. Some common examples are cysts, swellings, engorged fat cells, and benign tumors.

Classic diagnoses are colon polyps, ovarian cysts, fibroid tumors, lipomas, and obesity to name a few. Up until this point, the body has kept its organs and tissues safe from attack. Beyond this point is where genuine trouble occurs. If the toxin is allowed to enter the cell, it may do irrevocable damage to the chemical reactions that take place in that cell and that allow the cell to do its job. It may likewise do damage to the DNA of the cell, the replicating factor of the cell, which leads to the conception of sick, malfunctioning organs. Examples are liver cirrhosis, heart attacks, impotence, Crohn's Disease (this is a wearing away of the lining if the intestines), Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases, etc.

If these sick cells carry on replicating with no reversal of the situation, the probability of these cells turning cancerous is great. Therefore, the end stage of a toxic invasion gone unhandled by the immune system could be cancer.

The use of medical drugs to get a grip on the indicators of disease up until the toxin overruns the cell only serves to weaken the immune system's ability to handle the toxin, and, in effect, pushes the toxin deeper into the organ/tissue. Keep in mind symptoms are the expression of immune system function.

When the symptom goes away with the ‘help’ of a chemical drug, is the illness cured or has it just gone deeper into the body only to rear it is ugly head some time later?




Caused by Malnutrition

  • Issues of general fatigue
  • Fatigue headaches, general unrecognized body aching and pain.
  • Disease caused by abnormal secretions - mucus, rash, sputum.
  • Diseases caused by stagnation and deposition - a cyst, tumor, polyps, stones, obesity.
  • Diseases associated with deformation of organs also arteriosclerosis, rheumatism, arthritis.
  • The development of paralysis (leg parts of the face and internal organs).
  • Diseases of the decomposition of cells and organs.


Read more about Signs and Symptoms of toxicity. To start on the road to health, you must regularly detoxify from poisons, toxins, pollutants, etc.  If you have not done so already you can check a couple of the best programs I used and am happy to recommend you!

If you’re not cleansing your body frequently, you could be ‘recycling’ toxic blood through your system over and over again. Gross!

If you have a health problem of any kind, check this out, and do yourself the biggest favor of your life and get yourself on a cleansing and detoxing program today.

Recognize that no matter how clean a life we live, our planet is still very toxic. This is why it is very important to control the toxic invasion on our bodies whenever we can. Our bodies are constantly detoxifying and draining. Therefore, when you do a purification program, what you are really doing is handling the backlog of toxins that are clogging the liver, lymphatics, and intestines. Once the backlog is handled, the body repairs and rejuvenates as it continues to detoxify the everyday toxins.

After Purification and Detox

Once the body is purified, the organs and tissues will begin repairing any damage that had been done. This requires plenty of raw materials in the form of high quality protein, essential fats, and whole carbohydrates. A diet of whole, organic foods (no chemicals, hormones, fillers, colorings, etc.) is of extreme importance as to not get the body in the same condition it was prior to it being detoxified.

Give the body what it is asking for. An unhealthy body will crave unhealthy things like chocolate, sugar, white bread, etc... This is a clue as to whether or not your body is healthy. What is it craving? Healthy bodies ask for vegetables, water, protein, etc. Unhealthy bodies crave foods that supply quick, easy energy. This is because a healthy body can derive energy from whole food sources whereas an unhealthy body cannot.


 Toxicity may be related to many health concerns.

Proper assessment is important to optimize your health.

You can use this  QUESTIONNAIRE 




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