This Diet Adjusted To Your Menstrual Cycle Could Help You Lose Weight

Whether you’re a man or a woman, postmenopausal or on birth control, your hormones control your energy and appetite. And everything from a poor night’s sleep to a stressful day at work can mess with those hormones in ways that sap your energy or stoke your cravings for junk food. (Feel better starting today with The Thyroid diet, a new book that’s…

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Facts About Weight Loss & The Menstrual Cycle

This article provides  information on how the menstrual cycle impacts weight loss. Now, I know most people are not physicians, so if the science is WAY too heavy for you, just skip down to the end for the simple bullets There are two phases of the menstrual cycle: the follicular phase & the luteal phase. The…

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Sixteen Fascinating Fat Facts

WLR’s nutritionist, Rachael Hill gives us sixteen fascinating fat facts that we didn’t know we wanted to know! Read on for a bit of fat fact fun 🙂 1. We all need body fat to live. In fact, it is so essential to normal, healthy functioning that an average, size 10, slim female carries approximately 100,000 calories of fat…

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How Fat Cells Work & Why It’s Impossible To “Burn” Them Off

When we think about our weight it’s often tied to how much fat we have in our bodies. But earlier this year, scientists debunked body-mass index (BMI), a calculation of someone’s percentage of body fat based on their height and weight, as a measure of overall health. The authors argued that having a high BMI didn’t necessarily…

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How Beverages Preventing Fat Loss

What If Your Beverage Choices Are Preventing Fat Loss Looking for weight loss? If you feel that you’re on track to success since you have actually  developed your personal diet regimen strategy and you’re ensuring that no food passes your lips that isn’t really permitted, you might want to do a double take and also see to it that you aren’t making another crucial mistake: liquid calories. The unfortunate truth of the matter is that some individuals will totally wreck their weight loss results merely by  consuming calories they shouldn’t be. Liquid calories are able to accumulate rapidly. You might be aware…

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For Men, It’s More Waist Management Than Weight Management

In my practice I work with many male clients, and certainly many of the people who want to take control of their weight these days are men. But when I walk around the city, or take a look around at the airport, I notice that most of the overweight men I see aren’t especially big…

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4 Ways To Get Rid Of Toxic Build Up & Shed Extra Pounds

Scientists recently uncovered a surprising and disturbing fact: Environmental toxins make you fat and can cause diabetes. (1) Inside the body, these chemicals monkey with our ability to balance blood sugar and metabolize cholesterol. Over time, the changes can lead to insulin resistance. This discovery should be headline news, but no one is talking about…

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Proper Food Combinations For Optimal Health

If I were asked, “What is the first major cause of most illness?”, I would have to say incomplete digestion. If your food does not break down through the enzymes provided by fresh and raw food in your body, then putrefaction (rotting and decay) will take place. The result? Your body absorbs its own toxic…

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20 Science-Backed Ways To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

With the holidays, many occasions of eating come during the festive celebration. Office get-togethers, school celebrations, home parties, and family merriments are common, each including a host of food selections. For some of us, eating during the celebrations will mean our bodies respond with an increase in bloating. Avoiding holiday weight gain may sound as…

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Why Removing Toxins From Your Fat Cells

We are all designed to continuously and naturally remove toxins from the body. There are two kinds of toxins: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Water-soluble toxins are easily flushed out of the body via the blood and kidneys, but the fat-soluble toxins are a challenge for the body to remove. These fat-soluble toxins such as heavy metals,…

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