Understanding The “Cancer Business” Or Why Medicine Won’t Allow Cancer To Be Cured

Imagine a commercial plane crashed and there were some fatalities involved. You can be sure that would make the headline of every major newspaper. Well, we have the equivalent of 8-10 planes crashing EVERY DAY with everyone on board dying from cancer.

Nearly two million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year — one person out of three will be hit with a cancer diagnosis at some time in their lives, in spite of the massive technological advances over the past half-century.

Western medicine is no closer to finding a “cancer cure,” while cancer has grown into a worldwide epidemic of staggering proportions. The statistics speak for themselves:

  • In the early 1900s, one in 20 people developed cancer
  • In the 1940s, one in 16 people developed cancer
  • In the 1970s, it was one in 10
  • Today, it’s one in three!

According to the CDC, about 1,660,290 (1.66 million) new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in 2013. If overall death rates are falling, why are incidence rates still on the rise? The answer is simple: the 40-year “war on cancer” has been a farce.

Millions Will Discover the TRUTH About Cancer — The Little-Known Best Ways to Prevent and Beat It You Aren’t Being Told About

The cancer epidemic is a dream for Big Pharma, and their campaigns to silence cancer cures have been fierce, which is a tale well told in the documentary film featured below, Cancer: Forbidden Cures.

The Cancer Machine

Please understand that cancer is big business. The cancer industry is spending virtually nothing of its multi-billion dollar resources on effective prevention strategies, such as dietary guidelines, exercise and obesity education. Instead, it pours its money into treating cancer, not preventing or curing it.

Why would they shoot their cash cow? If they can keep the well-oiled Cancer Machine running, they will continue to make massive profits on chemotherapy drugs, radiotherapy, diagnostic procedures and surgeries.

The typical cancer patient spends $50,000 fighting the disease. Chemotherapy drugs are among the most expensive of all treatments, many ranging from $3,000 to $7,000 for a one-month supply.

If the cancer industry allows a cure, then their patient base goes away. It makes more sense to keep a steady stream of cancer patients alive, but sick and coming back for more. How did this societal monster come about?

The featured documentary is enormously informative. It details how the pharmaceutical industry partnered with the American Medical Association (AMA) in an ingenious plan to overtake the medical system in four swift, easy steps, back in the early 1900s. In a nutshell, it went something like this:

  1. International bankers that own the drug and chemical companies gained control over the medical education system over 100 years ago.
  2. They gave grants to the AMA and leading medical schools in exchange for seats on their board and the ability to control policy.
  3. Finally, they cleverly engineered their control of virtually every federal regulatory agency relating to the practice of medicine.


‘Don’t You DARE Cure Anyone!’

In spite of the enormous amounts of money funneled into cancer research today, two out of three cancer patients will be dead within five years after receiving all or part of the standard cancer treatment trinity— surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. This is not too surprising when you consider that two of the three are carcinogenic themselves! One study estimated that chemotherapy benefits about one of every 20 people receiving it.

Over the last hundred years, a number of natural cancer treatments have been developed and used successfully to treat patients in the US and other countries. All have been vehemently discounted, silenced, and pushed under the rug by the medical monopoly, with physicians and researchers attacked, smeared, sent to prison, and professionally ruined for daring to defy the medical establishment.

To this day, with respect to credibility in medicine, “quack” is synonymous with “competition.”

In order to protect the medical monopoly, any viable natural treatment is met with massive opposition by the pharmaceutical and medical industries. Drug companies have no interest in natural agents that they cannot patent, because they interfere with their revenue stream. They will go – and have gone – to extreme measures to prevent the truth about effective natural treatments (competitive threats) from reaching the public.

The FDA is now, thanks to PDUFA, primarily funded by the drug companies and is complicit in this process. They restrict competition in the guise of protecting the public, when the reality is they are protecting the profits of the drug companies.



Story at-a-glance

  • A fascinating documentary exposes the corruption of the cancer industry and the extreme measures they will undertake to discredit, imprison, and professionally destroy any physician who treats cancer patients naturally
  • One million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year, and one person of every three will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes; two of every three will die from their cancer within five years
  • The average cancer patient spends $50,000 fighting the disease, making the cancer industry a 50 billion dollar per year industry; the medical monopoly is not motivated to find a cure when treatment it is so lucrative
  • Many natural treatments have been used successfully with cancer, but the treatments are hushed, buried, and kept out of public view with smear campaigns funded by the medical cartel
  • My top 12 cancer prevention strategies are listed, including specific tips for eating, sleeping, exercising and managing stress

By Dr. Mercola

Original Article Sources & References

Let's End The Cancer Pandemic Once And For All!