What Are The 10 Top Health Risks For Men?

You’re Not Invincible If you take better care of your car or favorite gadget than your body, you aren’t alone. According to the Men’s Health Network, a lack of awareness, weak health education, and unhealthy work and personal lifestyles have caused a steady deterioration of the well-being of American men. Visit your medical provider to learn how…
The Most Common Sources Of Antioxidants

Various health establishments suggest eating 5 portions of fruits and vegetables of different colors … on a daily basis. The aim of this is to supply the required essential nutrients your body needs daily. The good news is, this will also give you as much anti-oxidants as possible and also the diversity of anti-oxidants you need. Antioxidants have…
Mammograms Increase Risk Of Breast Cancer, Here Are The Safe Alternatives For Breast Exams

You may have heard that mammograms, the tests that are commonly used to detect breast cancer, can actually increase the risk cancer. Well, you’re not wrong! Yet, these breast screenings are considered to be the most effective form of detecting breast cancer, at least according to the Center For Disease Control (CDC). There’s actually an overwhelming amount…
How Do Toxins Affect Our Body? Six Phases Of Intoxication

There are many studies that openly link environmental chemical substances to the state of our health and wellbeing. And there is a growing quantity of evidence which proposes that whilst singular exposure to a chemical substance might not be injurious (depending on the type of chemical substance, of course), the amassed effect of continuous exposure…
Understanding Toxins and Toxicity

We live in a chemical world. Over 50,000 chemicals have been incorporated into daily use since World War II, many of them found in the products we use every day to clean and embellish our bodies and our homes. Some of these chemicals are connected to cancer; others may upset the delicate endocrine system; and…
Classification Of The AntiOxidants

Antioxidants occur naturally in the body and are present in many foods and herbs, especially fruits and vegetables. A well-balanced diet filled with foods containing antioxidants is recommended and is the best way to improve dietary requirements. In order to get better understanding of antioxidants and their role in our body it is good to…
How Antioxidants Affect Our Health In General

Your body is always swapping and mending free-radical damaged cells; but with the way we live and mistreat ourselves, our bodies are attacked with more free radicals than they can handle. By choosing to supplement with antioxidants, we help our bodies keep up with the carnage. What’s more, it’s possible to get ahead of the…
Flu Shot Causes Over 5x Times More Respiratory Infections – A Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study

Studies on vaccinated vs. unvaccinated adults and children have been rejected by the US. government for being ‘unethical’, but recently researchers in Hong Kong have conducted this important study. The test was conducted on vaccinated vs. unvaccinated subjects in regards to the influenza vaccine. This is probably the only real study in recent times in…
Free Radicals: Enemies Within. What Are They And How Are They Formed

24 hours a day, while the body is constantly working, cells are metabolizing and generating energy as they carry out their tasks. This natural process results in free radicals, the same way driving to work in your car creates exhaust fumes. In our day to day activities, we are exposed to harmful free radicals which…
What Is Candida Albicans? Common Infections Caused by Candida

Candida Albicans is a fungus and the most common type of yeast infection found in the mouth, intestinal tract and vagina, and it may distress skin and other mucous membranes. If the immune system is functioning optimally, this type of yeast infection is seldom serious. However, if your inner ecosystem is out of balance and your immunity…
Understanding The “Cancer Business” Or Why Medicine Won’t Allow Cancer To Be Cured

Imagine a commercial plane crashed and there were some fatalities involved. You can be sure that would make the headline of every major newspaper. Well, we have the equivalent of 8-10 planes crashing EVERY DAY with everyone on board dying from cancer. Nearly two million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year — one person…
How Can Aloe Vera Make You Healthier?

Aloe vera is widely known, yet oddly it’s little appreciated for all its possible health benefits. Although it looks like a cactus, the Aloe vera plant is actually a member of the lily and onion family. So it’s a succulent – ie. it holds water in its fleshy leaves. It’s been used medicinally for thousands…
Is Cancer Contagious?

I recently spoke with a nurse who was diagnosed, as an adult, with leukemia. She endured the chemotherapy regimen her doctors prescribed, only to suffer from a secondary fungal infection during that time. The intensity and duration of the anti-fungal treatment rivaled that of the chemotherapy. At any rate, she recovered from both afflictions and…
Top 15 Fish Oil Omega Benefits

The list of benefits associated with fish oil (or really the omega-3 fatty acids it contains) seem both amazing and damn near endless, while its list of potential side effects seem virtually nonexistent. What Does It Do? What Are The Benefits Of Fish Oil? The short version? There are so many fish oil benefits. Fish…