What Are The 10 Top Health Risks For Men?

You’re Not Invincible If you take better care of your car or favorite gadget than your body, you aren’t alone. According to the Men’s Health Network, a lack of awareness, weak health education, and unhealthy work and personal lifestyles have caused a steady deterioration of the well-being of American men. Visit your medical provider to learn how…

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The Most Common Sources Of Antioxidants

Various health establishments suggest eating 5 portions of fruits and vegetables of different colors … on a daily basis. The aim of this is to supply the required essential nutrients your body needs daily. The good news is, this will also give you as much anti-oxidants as possible and also the diversity of anti-oxidants you need. Antioxidants have…

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Face Mapping – What Your Skins Says About Your Health

Your face can reveal a lot about your lifestyle, from bad digestion to low iron levels, according to health and beauty experts. While sophisticated MRI and X-Ray machines leave little to the imagination, they haven’t been around that long. Human disease and disorders, however, precede them by millennia. Instead, ancient medical practitioners have used nuanced…

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Understanding The Basics Of Detoxification. Why Is That Important?

Many of us are well aware that chemicals, pesticides, hormones and other pollutants are found in all the processed foods we eat, leading to chronic illness, depression and obesity. Toxic agents are everywhere in our world. The food we eat, the air we breathe, the household cleaners we spray, the electronics we use on a…

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Common Symptoms Of “Withdrawal” From A Toxic Lifestyle. How To Ease Your Way Through The Healing Crises?

If you’ve ever experienced any kind of fasting or detoxification practice for any length of time, you may very well be all too familiar with the various kinds of unpleasant symptoms that can manifest during such cleanses. Those who consume the most caffeine, alcohol, and sugar, and those who have the most food allergies, will have the…

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How Can We Recognize Antioxidant Rich Food?

Foods that have large quantities of antioxidants are often easy to detect, because many are vividly colored, especially rainbow colored. For instance, carrots and sweet potatoes have plenty of beta-carotene; bell peppers, strawberries and tomatoes contain vitamin C; tomatoes and watermelon have lycopene; and dark leafy greens like spinach contain lutein. Carotenoids are some of…

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17 Cancer Facts You Need to Know

Cancer is one of the most well-known topics on the planet, yet there is so much that can reduce your personal risk of developing cancer that you might not know. Cancer is the #2 killer in developed countries and #1 in underdeveloped countries.  Right now, due to poor lifestyle habits, poor diet, lack of information,…

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What Are the Side Effects of Smoking Cigarettes?

Tobacco smoke is enormously harmful to your health. There’s no safe way to smoke. Replacing your cigarette with a cigar, pipe, or hookah won’t help you avoid the health risks associated with tobacco products. Cigarettes contain about 600 ingredients. When they burn, they generate more than 7,000 chemicals, according to the American Lung Association. Many of…

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What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Toxicity?

When it comes to toxins in your surroundings, ignorance is not bliss. Hazardous environmental pollutants may include PCBs that can increase cancer risk and hamper a baby’s brain development; pesticides connected to cancer, birth defects, and Parkinson’s disease; endocrine-disrupting phthalates found in personal care products; toxic heavy metals expected to accumulate in the soft tissue…

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How Do Toxins Affect Our Body? Six Phases Of Intoxication

There are many studies that openly link environmental chemical substances to the state of our health and wellbeing. And there is a growing quantity of evidence which proposes that whilst singular exposure to a chemical substance might not be injurious (depending on the type of chemical substance, of course), the amassed effect of continuous exposure…

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The Healing Crisis Or Herxheimer Effect. The Side Effects During Detox

Many people have this wonderful idea of how a detox will feel – they visualize they will feel light, energetic, and overall amazing. After all, the detox is all about getting rid of the bad stuff, right? While it’s true that a detox is intended to rid your body of harmful toxins and “bad stuff”,…

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Understanding Toxins and Toxicity

We live in a chemical world. Over 50,000 chemicals have been incorporated into daily use since World War II, many of them found in the products we use every day to clean and embellish our bodies and our homes. Some of these chemicals are connected to cancer; others may upset the delicate endocrine system; and…

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Classification Of The AntiOxidants

Antioxidants occur naturally in the body and are present in many foods and herbs, especially fruits and vegetables. A well-balanced diet filled with foods containing antioxidants is recommended and is the best way to improve dietary requirements. In order to get better understanding of antioxidants and their role in our body it is good to…

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Which Tea Brands Contain THESE Harmful Chemicals! How To Choose The Right Type

Could your tea be steeped in something toxic?  Yes — unless you choose the right type Few things are more relaxing than having a cup of tea in your favorite mug. And, as numerous scientific studies have shown, few things are healthier, as tea leaves have been shown to reduce the risks of cancer, heart…

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12 Health Benefits Of Detoxing The Body

Are detox programs really good for you? As with any lifestyle change, the key to a successful detox lies in dedication and perseverance. There seems to be an equal amount of warnings and recommendations for detoxing, which can make it confusing for the would-be detox dieter. As long as you use common sense, adapt the…

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What Is In A Cigarette?

The main ingredient in cigarettes is tobacco. Tobacco is a green, leafy plant that is grown in warm climates. Farmers use many chemicals to grow tobacco. They use fertilizers to make the soil rich and insecticides to kill the insects that eat the tobacco plant. After the tobacco plants are picked, they are dried, and machines…

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Body Detox And How To Choose The Right Kind!

You may have heard a lot about detoxing or detox diets. In fact, many celebrities swear by detox diets to lose weight. However, detoxing provides many more benefits besides losing weight. Eradicating toxins could be a key factor in restoring your body’s overall health. Detoxification has been known to help many people reach their health…

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The Most Common Ways Of Interacting With Toxins

Scientists are increasingly concerned that long term low level exposures to chemicals create a variety of health risks. They also worry that we do not yet know the impact of living with the cocktail of chemicals found in household air and dust. Testing for human health effects is normally done on single chemicals, but in the real…

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What Happens If You Quit Smoking Today?

Smoking is said to stimulate pleasing and enjoyable emotions, and smokers claim that it helps boost their mood, alleviates minor depression and small fits of anger, improves concentration and short-term memory, and can also provide a modest sense of well-being. This is because cigarettes contain the addictive substance nicotine that stimulates dopamine in the brain,…

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What The Heck Does A Humidifier Do And Why Do You Need One?

Just in case the Internet hasn’t sufficiently informed you, it’s getting colder outside. And as the weather gets cooler and the air drier, you might consider purchasing a humidifier, which can alleviate some cold-weather ailments. Read on for our guide to the handy device. Humidity refers to the amount of atmospheric water vapor, and humidifiers…

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